Flexibility Fundamentals A very common question posed by patients at Queen Street Chiropractic Centre involves flexibility, or rather the lack thereof, and how an individual should deal with such a problem. As with most fitness-related problems, the solution lies in a proper understanding of the issue at hand. Fitness is a broad term, which encompasses […]
Communication in Health Care – An Overview
Terminology: Overview By: Dr. Korey Jay Have you ever found yourself sitting on an examination table and listening to a health-care practitioner attempting to explain your injuries or ailments using what sounds like several textbooks worth of Latin words? For many patients it is the inability to communicate with their health-care practitioners that complicates their […]
How to Succeed in Fitness
How to be Successful at Fitness: Step One Written By: Korey Jay BSc DC So you have decided that you are going to hit the gym or practice field and get back into shape? First of all CONGRATULATIONS! You are about to embark on a journey which will augment and improve every other aspect of […]
An Athletic Frame of Mind
The Worker as an Athlete Written By: Korey Jay, BSc DC With few exceptions, most of us have enjoyed the thrill of playing sports at some point or other during our youth. A seemingly endless run of practice, game and repeat as we forced our tired (and no doubt bored) parents to ferry us from […]
The Basics of Nutrition
Toward a Healthy Life : Nutrition Basics By: Dr. Korey Jay, BSc DC The following is the first in a series of posts in which a discussion on health and wellness will be initiated, with an emphasis on nutrition. However, as some of the specific concepts can tend to become verbose and somewhat complicated, […]